9 Easy Vegan Depression Meals For Low-Energy Days

9 Easy Vegan Depression Meals For Low-Energy Days

As much as many of us may love to cook and be healthy, sometimes circumstances make that difficult. It may be mental health struggles, burnout, being super busy or anything else.

None of us want these things to stop us from eating well (or eating, period). So I compiled a list of my best, ridiculously easy ideas for when you’re feeling low-energy but still need a meal.

Here are 9 vegan depression meals that are quick and easy to prepare:

1. Yogurt with Granola + Banana

On mornings you don’t feel like throwing a proper breakfast together, yogurt is a great solution. All you have to do is dump it in a bowl, sprinkle some granola on top and ta-da, breakfast.

Up the nutrients by adding in a sliced banana (or some other fruit you enjoy).

2. Microwave Quesadilla

Don’t want to deal with the stove today? That’s fine, because all you need to prepare this quesadilla is a plate and a microwave. Sprinkle dairy-free cheese evenly over the surface of a tortilla and microwave for one minute. Add salsa if you like, then fold it in half and slice. Serve it with vegan sour cream or guacamole.

You can also add veggies to this (like peppers and onions) or vegan chicken (which in some cases, can also be prepared in the microwave) for a nutrient/protein boost.

3. Pretzels with Hummus + Applesauce

There have been days when this has been a meal for me. Maybe not ideal, but it beats not eating at all (and as you may know yourself, some days that’s what it comes to).

By the way, hummus is very nutritious. Chickpeas are a great source of protein and fiber, not to mention hummus is delicious. A lot of times when I opt for this, I try to round it out a little by having a cup of applesauce on the side for a serving of fruit.

4. Peanut Butter Toast with Chocolate Chips

Toast is one of the easiest things a person could prepare, which makes it great for days you just aren’t feeling fabulous. Using whole grain, seeded, good-quality bread will assist in making this meal a more nutritious one.

Peanut butter is one of my holy grail condiments because, not only does it have protein, it’s also so good. For those with nut allergies, seed butters also exist, as does cookie butter.

A sprinkling of chocolate chips is optional, but does make this option a little more fun. It’s also been said that the flavanols and methylxanthines in chocolate can give you a mood boost.

5. Frozen Broccoli with Cheeze Sauce

Just pop some frozen broccoli in the microwave, and heat it according to the package. Then just add it to a bowl, drizzle some of Daiya’s dairy-free cheeze sauce over it, stir and enjoy. If you have it in you, you could even add some cooked pasta to this for a more complete meal.

6. Bottled Protein Smoothie

This is probably one of the easiest options on this list. It’s also great if you happen to be in a rush for whatever reason, because you can just take it on the go with you.

One of my favorites that my local grocer carries is Koia brand. They have some great flavors, like Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Banana, that carry a whopping 18 grams of protein per bottle. There are some other great brands out there too, such as Vega and Aloha. Just see what your grocery store carries!

7. Soup or Ramen

There are plentiful vegan soup options out there, such as Gardein and Amy’s. Progresso also has some accidentally vegan options, such as the Lentil and Garden Vegetable varieties. Vegan ramen is also an option, and brands such as Chef Woo exist.

Many soups have microwave instructions, so it requires little to no effort at all. Many ramen varieties have microwave instructions, but can also be prepared with no more than a tea kettle.

8. Turk’y and Cheese Roll-Ups

Spread vegan mayo on a tortilla, then add some slices of vegan turkey and cheese. Roll it up, slice into one inch slices, and enjoy! The vegan turkey gives you some great protein, and opting for a whole grain or whole wheat tortilla can bump up the nutrition as well.

Enjoy some fruit, such as clementines or apple slices, on the side to round out the meal even further.

9. Microwave Muglet

One of the reasons that I love Just Egg so much is that it’s a ready-to-go ingredient–great for days I don’t feel like doing the prepwork of making tofu scramble.

Use it to make an omelette, or even better yet, utilize your microwave to make a delicious muglet. Add whatever spices or ingredients you like, depending on how fancy you’re feeling and your energy level for chopping ingredients.

I hope this post helps you out! Even when motivation and energy are low, it’s still important to take care of our bodies and get the nutrition we need. Let this post serve as a reminder that food doesn’t have to be complex or time-consuming to be good, or to be good for you.

Thanks for reading! Remember to be good to yourself, take care of yourself, and cheer yourself on for small wins. Until next time, peace 🙂

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