6 More Easy, No-Cook Mental Health Meals & Snacks

6 More Easy, No-Cook Mental Health Meals & Snacks

Circumstances like burnout, mental health issues or being swamped with responsibilities sometimes make getting balanced meals (or meals at all) somewhat of a challenge.

This is a challenge I am no stranger to and, thanks to the subreddit r/depressionmeals, I’ve learned I’m not alone.

Although my first post on this subject has several helpful ideas, sometimes you don’t even want to “cook” anything. Maybe you don’t even want to touch the microwave. Hey, I get it. And I’ve got you covered!

Here are 6 quick and easy mental health meals you don’t have to cook:

1. Protein bars

It may seem a little simplistic, but if we’re talking about nutrients, a protein bar certainly isn’t a bad option.

I personally enjoy CLIF bars, and with flavors like White Chocolate Macadamia and Chocolate Brownie, it almost feels like you’re having a cookie or some other sweet treat. The only difference is that CLIF bars offer fiber, protein, and other vitamins and nutrients.

There are of course other brands, and not all of CLIF’s bars are vegan. No Cow, Misfits, and Luna also offer vegan-friendly protein bars, among others.

An easy option for sure, as all you have to do is tear the wrapper and chomp down. Also pro tip: enjoy your protein bar with a calming cup of tea, such as chamomile or peppermint.

2. Fruit cups

Of course, everyone knows fruit and vegetables are good for you. But if you’re having a really rough time, to the point that you barely want to leave your bed? I can bet you don’t feel like standing at the counter chopping up an apple.

That’s why I find these fruit cups to be super helpful. I will say, however, that I prefer to get the ones in natural fruit juice to avoid the extra sugar content.

I feel the same way about applesauce cups, and easy-peel clementines: they’re a great way to have a little serving of fruit next to the main star of your meal, be it a sandwich or whatever else.

3. Peanut butter & jelly sandwich

The classics are classic for a reason. But a great way to bump up the nutrients is to opt for whole wheat bread, and of course gluten-free bread exists for those who cannot handle gluten.

If you’re feeling adventurous (or happen to have fruit to use up), you can use fresh berries in place of–or in addition to–the jelly.

4. Avocado or cream cheese bagel

Fresh avocados are great, but they can sometimes be a pain in the ass. Especially if they’re sitting on the counter and happen to slip your mind for a few days, you could end up with a mushy mess.

Luckily, things like these avocado cups exist, where you can store them in the fridge and enjoy them on a bagel (or toast, or whatever) when you’re nice and ready to.

I like to enjoy my avocado bagels with a drizzle of hot sauce and a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning, but you do you.

There are also a number or delicious vegan cream cheese options out there, like Daiya and Kite Hill. And although I prefer my bagels toasted, you definitely don’t have to if you’re not feeling it.

5. Nutrient-rich cereal

Cereal is a no-brainer of a breakfast, but I’m not necessarily recommending the sugar-loaded rainbow flakes. Eat what you have, of course, but the closer to whole grains you can get the better.

Grab some almond milk or other non-dairy milk to enjoy it with, which often are fortified with B-12, calcium, and other nutrients.

Grocery Outlet has deals on cereal and non-dairy milks somewhat often, meaning you don’t have to pay out the nose for it either.

6. Chickpea salad

Canned chickpeas are one of my fave ingredients, and possibly one of the easiest meals you can make with them is chickpea salad.

All you have to do is mash your chickpeas, mix in vegan mayo (and some dijon mustard if you’re feeling fancy), and season with salt, pepper, and maybe garlic powder and paprika if you’re feeling it.

I’d also recommend some chopped dill pickle and onion, though I know chopping can be a chore sometimes when energy is low. You can tailor the add-ins depending on your own tastes and what prepwork you want to take on.

Chickpea salad can be eaten on bread, in a tortilla, or even just with crackers. This probably isn’t the least complex option on this list, but it doesn’t take very long to whip up and there’s no cooking required.

Another thing I forgot to mention in the first post is this: please try to remember to drink water throughout the day! Food and nutrition are important, but keeping yourself well-hydrated is definitely just as important, if not moreso.

Please take good care, my dear friend. I hope this post has helped you in some way. Until next time, peace <3

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