Easy Vegan Buttermilk (Only 2 Ingredients!)

Easy Vegan Buttermilk (Only 2 Ingredients!)
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Buttermilk is a versatile and useful ingredient to have on hand-it adds a slight pleasant tang to baked goods, as well as gives them a nice fluff.

For dairy consumers, acquiring buttermilk is about as simple as going to the grocery store. But what’s a vegan to do? They most likely don’t carry dairy-free buttermilk in your local grocery store, and how would you even… make buttermilk?

But have no fear! Luckily, making vegan buttermilk is actually super easy, perhaps even easier than you might think. And what’s even better? It only requires two ingredients and is ready to use in about ten minutes.

So far, I’ve used vegan buttermilk to make pancakes and buttermilk bread, both of which came out fabulously. But I’ve no doubt that you could use this vegan buttermilk to make biscuits, batter for fried “chicken,” cinnamon buns, perhaps even a vegan version of buttermilk ranch dressing!

The possibilities are really wide and varied for this useful, easy-to-prepare ingredient, and I’m really excited to use it for more recipes in the future. Use it in good health!

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Easy Vegan Buttermilk

Vegan buttermilk is a great ingredient to know how to make, since it's so versatile. It's a lot easier to make than you might think, and can be used in so many fun ways. Let's get started, and I'll show you just how simple it is to make.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Sauces & Condiments
Cuisine American
Servings 1.5 cups


  • 2 cup capacity liquid measuring cup


  • 1 1/2 cups soy milk original flavor
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar


  • In a liquid measuring cup, measure out 1 1/2 cups soy milk. Add the apple cider vinegar and stir. Allow the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes to separate (curdle).
  • Congratulations, you've made vegan buttermilk! Use it in pancakes, breads, biscuits, batter, or wherever else you'd like to use buttermilk. Enjoy!
Keyword 10 ingredients or less, 5 ingredients or less, baking, baking hacks, dairy-free, easy, ingredients, milk-free, vegan hacks

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