What I Ate Wednesday #2: Vegan Memorial Day

Well after a little hiatus in posting, I’m back with another WIAW post. It’s good to be back! Hopefully I can figure out how to be more regular in posting here.
The eats featured in today’s post were from Memorial Day, which was this past Monday. It was a good day for some great food (and for a not-well-thought-out cannonball into my freezing cold pool… worth it though).
I’ll admit it wasn’t my healthiest day in a while, but why not live a little sometimes?

Morning Snack: I woke up starving, so I started my day with an 8 ounce glass of chocolate almond milk. Ideally, I’d start with something a bit healthier, but today was not that day.
Breakfast: A little later I had an everything bagel with Daiya Chive & Onion Cream Cheeze. I also had an orange tangerine juice box.
Lunch/Dinner: I made vegan chik’n skewers with mushrooms, peppers and onions, which I brushed with barbecue sauce and baked. I also had made some farfalle pasta salad (and THAT was off the charts). I noshed on some dill pickle potato chips while waiting for the food to be done as well (not pictured).

Evening Snack: I had some accidentally vegan peanut butter cookies, and a cup of coffee + caramel almond milk creamer whilst trying to do some sketching.

Evening Snack #2: Then I just had a cup of peppermint tea + 2 stevia packets, shifting my sketching from sketchbook to i-pad.
And that was the day! What did you cook for Memorial Day, or rather what kinds of summer bbq foods do you enjoy?
Thanks for reading!