What I Ate Wednesday #4: Busy Errand Day

What I Ate Wednesday #4: Busy Errand Day

This was not a perfect day of meals for me in the least. But it was sort of a busy day, so for that I’ll give myself a pass. I would’ve liked to get some more veggies in on this day, but this was my real day. Being vegan is messy sometimes, it’s not always fancy pictures of acai bowls on Instagram (not that those aren’t neat).

Breakfast: I started the day with a delicious cup of coffee with almondmilk creamer, coconut whip and peanut butter drizzle on top. I also had some lentil flour pumpkin bread–a recipe that I will hopefully post on this blog eventually–with some vegan butter and syrup on it. If I’m being honest, it was pretty damn good.

Morning Snack/Sort Of Lunch: There was some pretty intense clutter-ditching going on that day. It was substantial enough to require the help of a friend, and my mom was so grateful for the help that she took me and said friend out to a brunch-type deal. I settled for curly fries and a diet Pepsi, which was fine I guess; if I were home, I probably would have had something more substantial.

Afternoon Snack: After that, me and my mom had some other errands to run. It was pretty hot out, so we decided to stop for ice. I got the sugar-free tangerine, which was refreshing on such a blistering afternoon.

Dinner: For dinner, we brought home food from Taco Bell. I got my usual, which was a bean burrito and a spicy potato soft taco, both fresco (which means they take off any dairy ingredients, such as sour cream or cheese, and add pico de gallo). I also really wanted to have some kind of fruit, so I had a cup of pineapple.

Dessert: Dessert was amazing. It was a microwave apple crisp, which I veganized from this recipe by replacing the butter with vegan butter and using coconut whip. I also used one small apple and one small pear, instead of one regular-sized apple. It was absolutely delicious. I think next time I will grease the bowl with a little oil first, as the edges of the crumb mixture did stick a little. But it was definitely worth making!

And there you have it! Hopefully this post will make you feel a little better about your not-so-perfect days. Until next time, peace 🙂

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