Easy, Laid-Back Meals on a Hot Day (Summery Vegan Eats)

Easy, Laid-Back Meals on a Hot Day (Summery Vegan Eats)

It’s certainly heating up out there! And this past Monday (Memorial Day for those of us in the United States) was no exception. Some of my family gathered for a picnic, so it was definitely time to break out the barbecue food!

This edition of “What I Ate Today” is not what I would call typical, as far as my usual eating habits go. But I found it worth documenting nonetheless–you never know what newer vegans might stumble across this information and find it useful!

So here’s what I ate this past Monday:

Breakfast: Today’s breakfast was a quick one, a double shot oatmilk cold brew and a blueberry greek yogurt with almonds and vegan chocolate.

Parfaits are a great option on mornings that you have no idea what to eat for breakfast (those days have been plentiful for me lately). I added a sprinkling of almonds for extra protein, and a sprinkling of chocolate for extra fun.

Late Morning Snack: As the day progressed, I elected to dip into the snacks. Sourdough pretzels and roasted red pepper hummus were a nice pairing, as was the hot weather and a wine cooler (or two). Some barbecue potato chips probably fell into the mix at some point as well.

“Linner”: The biggest meal of the day happened somewhere in the afternoon, and pretty much filled me up for the rest of the day.

My main protein was a couple Beyond Burgers that I had with only ketchup. On the side, I had some vegetarian beans and some cucumber salad that I made with balsamic dressing. It was all great, and definitely filling.

Dessert: But of course, I had to save room for dessert! I got inspired to make some chocolate chip cookies (using aquafaba in place of the eggs, and all of the chocolate chips I had left in the house).

I also bought a Daiya Key Lime Cheezecake specifically for the occasion, and drizzled some strawberry syrup on top to try to be fancy–it was actually delicious.

Well, that’s what I ate this past Memorial Day! If I’d had a little more time, I probably would have wanted to whip up some vegan riblets. But hey, I’ve got all summer, right?

By the way, what’s your favorite barbecue food? Comment below!

Thanks so much for stopping by my website. I hope you found it helpful! Life’s honestly been a whirlwind lately, but it’s nice to be back. Until next time, peace 😉

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