6 Delightfully Simple Recipes To Bring To Your Next Barbecue

6 Delightfully Simple Recipes To Bring To Your Next Barbecue

Summer is the time of outdoor barbecues, reunions, and get-togethers.

But sometimes these events can be hard to navigate–often, as a vegan, what you bring is pretty much all you’ll be able to eat (aside from the trusty veggie platter, that is).

But today, I bring you 6 fantastic vegan mains, sides and snacks that are vegan-tastic and absolutely perfect to bring to your next barbecue.

Not only will you be able to enjoy yourself and not go hungry, everyone will probably be amazed when you tell them you’re eating vegan food.

1. The Best Vegan Barbecue Riblets

These delicious riblets are simple enough to whip up, but since there’s kneading involved it isn’t the lowest effort dish on this list.

If you’re a new vegan dying for a stand-in for ribs, this recipe will knock your socks off. Meaty and tangy, yet completely vegan, these ribs are a crowd-pleaser.

2. Vegan Buffalo Chick’n Dip

If you’re into spicy flavors, you’re gonna love this dip! The best part is that all it requires is a microwave (meaning no oven heating up the kitchen on you).

Just bring a dish of this buffalo chick’n dip and a bag of tortilla chips, and you’ve got the perfect starter that everyone will love.

3. Veggie-Packed Cocoa Chili

Crock pots are awesome for summer–it’s a great hands-off way to make hot dishes without warming up the kitchen too much. Just set it and forget it, and then bring this delicious chili to your next potluck.

Serve it as is, over mind-blowing vegan chili dogs, with tortilla chips, or even turn it into some awesome chili mac.

4. Tangy Balsamic Dressing

Salads are pretty commonplace at barbecues, be them potato/pasta salads or green salads. If you remembered at the last minute that you were supposed to bring the salad, this dressing whips up in five minutes and shakes up in a mason jar.

Drizzle it over green salads and pasta salads alike, and enjoy the tangy summer flavor!

5. 4 Ingredient Southwest Stuffed Button Mushrooms

Everyone loves a good appetizer–and these stuffed mushrooms are perfectly bite-sized!

Now this recipe does require a little oven time (about 20-25 minutes), but it shouldn’t be too brutal. And they’re so delicious, so I had to include them on this list! These are the perfect adorable potluck starter.

6. Classic Macaroni Salad

There’s nothing more barbecue-worthy than a deliciously creamy macaroni salad! Only my version is completely vegan, and sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

You can hardly tell the difference between my version and the regular stuff, and it whips up in just about an hour (including fridge time).

Hopefully this post gave you some great ideas on what you can bring to your next barbecue, potluck, or cookout!

I hope I can help you see that even as a vegan, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or happiness, or any of the favorites you previously enjoyed as a non-vegan.

See you next time! Peace 🙂

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