What I Eat In a Day as a Vegan: Hello Fresh

Welcome back to another what I eat in a day post! I love making posts like these because it allows me to share what I eat on a given day in my life (and in turn, hopefully, give you inspiration).
For today’s post, one of the meals I’ll show you is from a Hello Fresh box I got. I was just wanting to try it out and see what I thought (it was actually pretty good!).
I’m not sponsored, but I had a promo code which made the price a little bit easier to stomach. If you’re interested, I can offer you a promo code as well here 🙂
So without further ado, here are the meals I had today!

Breakfast: I had some Van’s blueberry waffles that I got from Grocery Outlet, with some vegan butter and syrup on top. I also had an apple on the side! It was a delicious and fresh breakfast.

Lunch: I had some cauliflower (that I also got from Grocery Outlet, for 99 cents!), so I decided to make some buffalo cauliflower. Buffalo cauliflower is an all-time favorite of mine, and I drizzled it with some Daiya Caesar dressing.

Afternoon snack: I started to feel hungry again while I was doing some website and YouTube work on my computer, so I snacked on an Aloha Lemon Cashew bar. I usually opt for the Chocolate Peanut Butter bars (they’re my fave), but I wanted to try this flavor. It was actually pretty good!

Dinner: For dinner, I had one of the recipes I made from Hello Fresh. It was a really delicious Coconut Curry Noodle Soup (completely vegan!) that came out honestly better than I was expecting. Very fresh and savory!

Evening snack: I got these seaweed snacks from (you guessed it) Grocery Outlet for 50 cents! And they’re really good. I’m kind of obsessed with seaweed snacks lately. They’re my fave! I also had a vegan cupcake with chocolate frosting which isn’t pictured lol.
And that’s the day of meals! I hope you got some inspiration from what I ate, at the very least some inspiration to go eat something good 🙂
I’ll see you next time! Peace.