Vegan What I Eat In a Day: Doing 75 Medium

Welcome back to my site! I apologize for the break in posts, but things have been going on in my personal life that have prevented me from making as much content as I’d like.
Any support through this time that any of you have given, even just a pageview or two, really means a lot to me 🙂
But without further ado, let’s get into the day’s meals!

Breakfast: I started with a pre-workout snack of avocado toast, which I topped with a really delicious find: vegan hard-boiled eggs! Crafty Counter Wundereggs, which I found at Wegmans, are completely vegan hard-boiled eggs. I tried them for the first time this week and, I have to say, I was pretty impressed!

Snack #1: After my workout, I had a vegan oatmilk skyr with protein powder mixed in, plus some green grapes.

Lunch: I was doing some recipes for a video I was in the process of making, so I ended up having a vegan sloppy joe (made with chickpeas) and some gnocchi minestrone. Pretty good, and all from Dollar Tree!

Snack #2: Green grapes, a vegan cheese triangle, some crackers, some Partake cookies and a Lindt oatmilk truffle for a sweet treat as well.

Dinner: I made these vegan pork taco bowls using Omnipork vegan pork, Rotel habanero tomatoes, cilantro rice, and drizzled some unsweetened oat yogurt on top. Topped with Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos and taco sauce as well! Really delicious, if a bit spicy.

Snack #3: I’ve been loving this Dairy-Free White Cheddar popcorn from Skinny Pop. So good, and the perfect snack while watching some evening TV.
Well, that’s the day of meals! I hope you enjoyed it and that you found it useful. I’ve been embarking on a challenge called 75 Medium to try to build healthier habits (including drinking more water, exercising more, and eating a bit healthier). So far, so good!
I’ll see you next time!
Until next time, peace 😉