Easy Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Easy Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

I made a recipe similar to this for a video a few weeks ago ($25 for 5 days of vegan meals). It was so good that I want to share the recipe for it here on this blog! The original recipe was 3 ingredients—oats, peanut 

Start The Day Right With These High-Protein Vegan Pancakes

Start The Day Right With These High-Protein Vegan Pancakes

Some people tend to think that vegans have a harder time getting protein. And while that may be true in some cases, it’s certainly not true in all. There are so many easy and simple ways to get your protein in throughout the day as 

Rise & Shine! Here’s 13 Vegan Breakfast Ideas For When You Don’t Know What To Make

Rise & Shine! Here’s 13 Vegan Breakfast Ideas For When You Don’t Know What To Make

Sometimes it can be tough to figure out what to have for breakfast, especially if you’re still in a half-asleep haze. As a new vegan, you might be even more daunted by the task. Do I still get to have pancakes? What can I make 

Easy Chocolate Chip Pancakes For Two (Vegan, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free)

Easy Chocolate Chip Pancakes For Two (Vegan, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free)

With Valentine’s Day coming up very soon, those of us with significant others are gearing up for the 14th and making plans to enjoy the evening, whether that means going out for a meal, staying in to cook together, or planning a fun activity to 

Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola (Vegan, Dairy-Free)

Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola (Vegan, Dairy-Free)

As delicious as granola is, it can sometimes be hard to find a store-bought version that’s vegan. Often, the kinds you find at the store contain honey or dairy ingredients, which unfortunately makes them unsuitable for those looking to avoid animal products.

Make This Healthy, Easy Garlic Broccoli Tofu Scramble

Make This Healthy, Easy Garlic Broccoli Tofu Scramble

I’ll admit, I usually have a go-to combo when I make tofu scramble: sauteed peppers and onions. And while that’s definitely a winning combo, having the same thing can get kind of monotonous after a while.