Going Plant-Based In 2024? Here Are 5 Helpful Tips

Thinking of going vegan, vegetarian, or some variation of plant-based as your 2024 resolution?
First of all, good for you! This is a fantastic lifestyle change that has the potential to make you a healthier, happier person if done well and with proper planning.
But secondly, there are a lot of things you might want to keep in mind while embarking on this journey.
As someone who’s been vegan since 2013, I’ve seen many highs and lows throughout my time. And I think I can offer some helpful hints to anyone who may wish to change their eating habits for the better.

Perfection isn’t the goal.
I’m sure I’ve said some variation of this several times on this blog, but it bears repeating: getting it right 100% of the time is not what you should be shooting for.
You will most likely make some mistakes along the way, intentional or not, and that’s okay. The point is that you’re trying, and as long as you’re trying you’re making a difference.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, especially if your motives are related to animal welfare.

Focus on replacing what you already like, but don’t be afraid to try new things.
Nobody likes to feel like they’re missing out. Luckily, there are more vegetarian, vegan and plant-based options available now than ever before!
Burgers, ice cream, cheese that actually melts well, chocolate? Vegan replacements for all these things and more can be found, right at your local grocery store.
Don’t be afraid to try new things though, too. Never tried zucchini, tofu, broccoli rabe? Now’s a great time to experiment with your taste buds and see what they like.
You might find that something isn’t really your vibe, but you could also find a new fave!

Don’t feel like you have to move mountains within days.
To be straight with you, I think the flexitarian > vegetarian > vegan pipeline is more than acceptable.
You do what you need to do in the time you need to do it, because building healthy habits gradually is a lot better than trying to do it all at once and giving up a week later.
Hell, if you want to be vegetarian for a couple years before you work up to veganism, it’s better than doing nothing.

Set yourself up for success.
I would say starting on January 1st might not be the best idea. Why do I say this? Because there’s a possible chance that you’re either a) still partying, or b) have leftovers that you need to finish.
You might have some meat or dairy ingredients left in your fridge or freezer. You already have them, so it makes no sense to waste them.
Come up with a plan to use up all the non-plant based ingredients you currently have in your house, and then restock with plant-based pantry staples.
You might find it helpful to peruse this simple vegan meal plan so you don’t have to think as much about what you’ll eat for the first week you change over.

Plan for obstacles.
Adopting a new lifestyle won’t always be smooth sailing. Having a game plan for when tricky situations arise will be infinitely helpful.
Whether that means searching potential restaurant options on Veggl before you head to a spot to see what you can eat, or preparing a small meal to bring with you when you get invited over a friend’s house, a little forethought can allow you to stick to your new lifestyle while also not going hungry.
Hope this helps! Feel free to peruse the rest of my site as well, where you’ll find plenty of helpful plant-based tips, recipes and much more. Until next time, peace!