Easy & Healthy Summer Meals: What I Ate Today as a Vegan

Easy & Healthy Summer Meals: What I Ate Today as a Vegan

I’m back with another delicious and healthy day of vegan meals!

I love to read posts like this, mainly for the inspiration. But I also like to make posts like this to give you guys an idea of what I eat on a daily basis.

In recent days, I’ve been trying to get back to my roots as a vegan: more fresh fruits and vegetables, and less (but not zero) processed foods.

Since doing this, I’ve been finding that I have more energy and feel better overall.

But as a foodie and food-lover, I’ve still been eating well, just let me tell you. And I’ll tell you what a typical day for me has been like lately in this post.

Breakfast: I started the day with some Kashi cinnamon waffles, which I enjoyed very much. I topped them with some blueberries and a drizzle of peanut butter.

This has been a go-to breakfast for me lately; not only for the ease, but also the inclusion of whole grains, protein and a serving of fruit in the same meal.

Midmorning snack: I got some nice crunch out of 2 of these caramel corn rice cakes from none other than Aldi. They’re actually really good, and they’re my favorite snack right now!

Noon snack: A little before lunch, I had a snack I brought out with me. These dark chocolate almonds were super luxurious, and a great little indulgent treat.

Lunch: I had lunch at Panera Bread. I got the Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich (minus feta cheese) and a Summer Fruit Cup on the side. It’s actually not super hard to order vegan at Panera, and this lunch was well-needed and definitely delicious.

Afternoon snack: I found these really cool vegan biscotti at the store today, so of course I had to try them right away. I had a cup of tea alongside three of these adorable little chocolate chip biscotti.

Dinner: I was surprised with a dinner out. I had these glorious vegan nachos (with vegan chorizo, veggies, vegan cheese, the works) that I… forgot to take a picture of. But they were so. good.

I also got black beans and rice, broccoli and brussels sprouts. I definitely got my veggies in, which was great and yummy. The broccoli was especially good, some kind of garlic thing.

And that’s what I ate today! It was honestly a delicious day of food, although with a bit more out-to-eat meals than I would normally have.

But hey, sometimes it can be tricky figuring out what to eat at restaurants as a vegan–if you’d like some tips on how to do it, check out my Vegan Eating Out series.

Thanks so much for reading! Until next time, peace 🙂

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