Tag: breakfast

What I Eat In a Day as a Vegan: Hello Fresh

What I Eat In a Day as a Vegan: Hello Fresh

Welcome back to another what I eat in a day post! I love making posts like these because it allows me to share what I eat on a given day in my life (and in turn, hopefully, give you inspiration).

Easy Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Easy Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

I made a recipe similar to this for a video a few weeks ago ($25 for 5 days of vegan meals). It was so good that I want to share the recipe for it here on this blog! The original recipe was 3 ingredients—oats, peanut 

The Veganuary Challenge – Sample Meal Plan For January 2025

The Veganuary Challenge – Sample Meal Plan For January 2025

I do realize we’re already halfway through the month, but I still wanted to make a Veganuary-themed post because I feel it’s important. The concept of Veganuary is important not just for January but for year-round: the idea of giving veganism a test run to 

Vegan What I Eat In a Day: Doing 75 Medium

Vegan What I Eat In a Day: Doing 75 Medium

Welcome back to my site! I apologize for the break in posts, but things have been going on in my personal life that have prevented me from making as much content as I’d like. Any support through this time that any of you have given, 

Vegan What I Eat In A Day: All You Can Eat Pasta

Vegan What I Eat In A Day: All You Can Eat Pasta

Here are even more example meals of what I eat in a day as a vegan! Today was a quick & simple day of vegan meals on an extremely busy day. Maybe not the healthiest, but very realistic in the eyes of what I typically 

5 Day Vegan Meal Prep: What I Ate This Week + Hungryroot Promo Code

5 Day Vegan Meal Prep: What I Ate This Week + Hungryroot Promo Code

Hungryroot has been mentioned a lot all over the internet and, personally, I think it might be only worth it if you have a promo code. That being said, they have a lot of great items and recipes on their site, and today I’ll be