5 Helpful Tips For Eating Vegan On A Budget

5 Helpful Tips For Eating Vegan On A Budget

I would like to preface this by saying that yes, indeed everything is expensive nowadays. But it kind of bugs me when I hear people say, “I could never be vegan, vegan food costs too much,” because it doesn’t have to be that way.

4 Delicious Ways To Jazz Up Salad

4 Delicious Ways To Jazz Up Salad

People sometimes look down on salad, and I think that’s a shame. Because it doesn’t have to be just a sad little bowl of lettuce with a soggy slice of tomato on top. With the right toppings and a little creativity, a salad can not 

6 Easy Vegan Recipes To Kick Your Veganuary Off Right

6 Easy Vegan Recipes To Kick Your Veganuary Off Right

Happy new year! Let’s hope it’s a good one 😀 For as long as I’ve known of it, I’ve been sort of fond of veganuary. It offers a nice little “trial period” for anyone interested in taking up a more plant-based lifestyle (and hopefully continuing 

5 Helpful Tips For Clearing Out Your Pantry & Using What You Have

5 Helpful Tips For Clearing Out Your Pantry & Using What You Have

Recently, I have been attempting to use up what I have in my pantry and freezer so I can bring some newer (perhaps more seasonally appropriate) items back into it. It’s also in an attempt to not waste food, because I know I’m more likely 

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4 Ways To Replace The Non-Vegan Foods You Love

4 Ways To Replace The Non-Vegan Foods You Love

Often when going vegan, one of the first things people will think about is what they’re giving up. “But what if I want to have pizza?” “Does that mean I can never have ice cream ever again?” “I would just miss cheese too much.” Some 

Considering Lowering Your Animal Product Intake In The New Year?

Considering Lowering Your Animal Product Intake In The New Year?

Perhaps you’ve been wanting to transition over to a more plant-based lifestyle for a while now. Or, alternatively, you’ve just recently heard of the idea and are scared to take the leap–but, at the same time, are intrigued by it. The good news? You don’t